Contra dance & English Country Dance in the Washington DC Area
CAUTION: This page is no longer maintained, since July 2020.
Some information may still be correct, other information is obsolete.
Baltimore, MD - BFMS English Country Dance
Harrisonburg, VA - Contra dance - first and third MondaysTuesday
Gadsby's Tavern, Alexandria, VA - Alexandria Assembly English Country Dancers
Also, for Ball schedule & resources: Period Dancing at Gadsby's Tavern MuseumWednesday
Baltimore, MD - BFMS Contra dance
Glen Echo Town Hall, MD - FSGW English Country DanceThursday
Charlottesville, VA - C'ville Hoedown Contra & Square dance - First, Third and some Fourth Thursdays - Facebook page
Silver Spring, MD - Silver Spring Contra dance, Second Thursdays - Facebook page, FSGW co-sponsoredFriday
Glen Echo Park, MD - Contra dance - The Friday Night Dancers
Dayton, VA - Contra dance - second Fridays, September to May
Sterling, VA - Old Dominion Dancers, English Country Dance - many Fridays
For most current schedule, go to: and look for Old Dominion DancersSaturday
First Saturdays
Shepherdstown, WV - Contra dance - September through May
Annapolis, MD - ATDS English Country Dance - 4 times per year
Washington, DC (Columbia Heights) - The Great American Square Dance Revival - Facebook pageSecond Saturdays
Baltimore, MD - BFMS Contra dance
Richmond, VA - TADAMS Contra danceThird Saturdays
Annapolis, MD - ATDS Contra dance
Fourth Saturdays
The MMFAC Contra dance in Frederick, MD ended with the December 2019 dance.
Richmond, VA - TADAMS Contra danceFifth Saturdays
Shepherdstown, WV - Contra dance - September through May
Varying Saturdays
Herndon, VA (usually) - The Leesburg Assembly - English Country DanceSunday
ECD in DC - Dumbarton House, Georgetown, Washington, DC - Appears to be on hiatus.
Or look for English Country Dance on the Dumbarton House Calendar
Glen Echo Park, MD - FSGW Contra dance
FSGW Family dance - usually at Glen Echo Park or Glen Echo Town Hall, at 3 PM
Greenwood, VA - Contra dance - Second and Fourth Sundays - Facebook About page
Baltimore Square Dance (Schedule on Facebook) - at varying venues in Baltimore, MD
Club Contras - All around central VA (Contra to contemporary music) - Facebook page
Contra Sonic - Glen Echo Park, MD (FSGW Contra to contemporary music)
The Hot Square Babes - usually at Ballroom Blum, Adelphi, MD (Square dance)
Staunton, VA - Occasional Contra dance - Facebook page
Washington Barn Dance Society - occasional Barn style dances in the DC areaDance Weekends nearby
Contra Dream 2019, Dayton, VA, near Harrisonburg - January 18-20, 2019
Springforth Ball & Dance Weekend, Richmond, VA - early to mid April
Chesapeake Dance Weekend, Edgewater, MD, near Annapolis - late April
Almost Heaven, at Ramblewood Camp, Darlington, MD - May 17-19, 2019
An English Trifle, at Camp Louise in Cascade, MD - Memorial Day weekend, Sat-Mon - English Country dance
Hashdance Contradance Weekend, at Glen Echo Park - mid-July
Footfall, at Camp Louise in Cascade, MD - Labor Day weekend - Contra & ECD
Dancing Leaves Contra Dance Weekend - OctoberNational Listings
Central Virginia: Charlottesville, Greenwood, Staunton, Dayton, Harrisonburg, Richmond
Ted Crane's Dance DB - for MD - for VA
Upcoming Events and Dance Map from the Country Dance and Song SocietyMore Dance Information
Scandinavian dancing in the Washington, DC area: Weekly class, at NIH and
Scandia DC and Nordic Dancers of Washington, DC and Mid-Atlantic Norwegian Dancers
Sunday afternoon Waltz Time at Glen Echo Park
Sunday afternoon Waltz Practicum at Glen Echo Park
Wikipedia on Contra dance
10 reasons not to book ahead (pdf)